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Niceone Chandelier Six

2.841 €

Inkl. MwStzzgl. Versandkosten

Niceone Chandelier Six ist der minimale Lüster. Über dem Tisch oder frei im Raum, verzaubert er den Raum. Preisgekröntes Design, feinste Finishes und brillante Lichtstimmung – made in Germany.

Falling Sun Trace

1.672 €

<p>Falling Sun Trace is the elegant table lighting. The optical lens directs the light glare-free and brightly onto the table 360°. Award-winning design, the finest finishes and brilliant mood lighting – made in Germany.</p> <p>Sunset Dimming supports your biological rhythm and has a health-promoting effect. Dim the light via the GRAU app and configure light scenes. Integrated spotlights illuminate walls, pictures or objects in the room without having to set additional power points.</p> <p>Winner of numerous design awards.</p> <p>Designed and manufactured at the GRAU Campus in Germany.</p>
Welche Vorteile bietet die GRAU App?
Erfahre mehr über die Steuerung und Features der GRAU App.
  • Warm Dim

  • GRAU App

  • Hohe Farbwiedergabe CRI 90

  • Hochwertige Materialien

  • Produziert in Deutschland