Relaxing lighting in the bedroom

Warm Light

Let yourself be enchanted by warm light to accompany you to sleep and use flexible bedside lamps as ideal reading light.

Sleep Timer

A broad spectrum of light, including deep warm tones, creates pleasant moments of well-being. With the sunset sleep timer, Salt dims automatically after 30 minutes and then switches itself off.

Sun Home Tischleuchte mit hellem Holzsockel und sanftem Sunset-Dimming neben Grünpflanze auf Nachttisch aus Holz

Sunset Dimming

Warm light in the evening is proven to be good for your health since it supports the release of melatonin and calms the body before sleep.

Popular bedside lights with Sunset Dimming

Color Tune

Flexibly move the light on your bed and change the light color easily with Color Tune.

sandfarbene John Wall Leseleuchte ist neben einem Bett an der Holzvertäfelung angebracht und leuchtet gleichmäßig

Never be blinded again

Fine lenses guide the light with precision, without dazzling the eye. This creates a pleasant reading experience in the evening or morning.

Popular bedside reading luminaires

The perfect light for any room