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World novelty Salt

The best mobile light of all time.

Weltneuheit Salt


The world we live in is energetic, fast paced and sometimes hectic. Wellbeing and recreation play an increasingly important role — we all long for inner peace and natural balance. Salt was born from the desire to create a completely new light that responds holistically to human wellbeing. A light that is soothing and naturally beautiful, just like the sunset.


"...I just sat there and watched the sun melt into the horizon. I felt its warm light on my face — and sensed a deep feeling of wellbeing spread within me..."


GRAY Salt Mobile Light


Salt has been holistically re-designed: not only has its outer shape become more delicate and dynamic. Above all technically, the portable light has received a complete update. Salt launches with a variety of new fantastic features that make the new battery light the best mobile light of all time.


The new groundbreaking GRAU light feature Sunset Dimming captures the broad spectrum of sunlight — from clear brilliance of the afternoon (2700K) to the gentle twilight in the early evening (1300K). Choose between Sunset Orange, Golden Light and Neutral Light dimming curves. The unique light spectrum creates countless and always perfect lighting moods for calming moments and a soothing atmosphere, especially in the evening hours.


"It was pitch black on the way back to the house. No lantern, no car, no city lights. The air was tepid and soft. When I got home I didn't turn on the light — I went to bed, with the image of the fading sun and the feeling of the sunset."


Salt brings you peace of mind and lets you fall asleep with a sunset, every night. The integrated Sunset Sleep Timer, gently dims the light within 30 minutes until it turns off automatically.


"I woke up in the middle of the night. He came home: I heard the wheels of his bike going over the gravel path before he quietly opened the front door. I turned on the dim light of the small bedside lamp: He looked beautiful."



Salt is the perfect combination of design and technology. The fine yet robust powder-skin surface of its sculptural body not only gives the lamp an elegant look, but also maximum resistance and is pollutant free. Its handy aluminum body has a velvety feel that invites you to touch the Ultra Touch Button on the lamp head, to intuitively dim the light.

GRAY Sneaker Foot

The new rubberized foot on the underside is called  Sneaker Foot — it allows you to put it down softly and silently on any surface, while the matte lampshade ensures an even 360° illumination of the room.

Salt's battery life has been increased by an impressive 50%, giving it up to 500 hours of beautiful light. The battery is fully recharged in just 2 hours, while an integrated smart LED shows the remaining battery life.


GRAY Salt cordless light Beach


Activate perfect wellbeing with a completely new and astonishing light. Let it have a beneficial effect on you.

This battery luminaire is a powerhouse that devotes its strength entirely to the sensory experience: Salt is the best mobile light of all time.